ADA University Scholarship In Azerbaijan 2025 (Fully Funded)

ADA University Scholarship is open and accepting applications from interested international students. ADA University offers the Alimardan Bay Topchubashov International Fellowship program. This program aims to develop future global leaders who are passionate about public service. It’s open to outstanding international students (not citizens of Azerbaijan) admitted to any undergraduate or graduate program at ADA University. The fellowship can be renewed throughout your studies, but it depends on meeting specific criteria and the availability of funding.

This fellowship covers full tuition, provides a monthly stipend, and includes accommodation for the first semester. ADA University, located in Baku, Azerbaijan, offers a vibrant international community and a modern campus established in 2014.

Renowned for its excellent faculty, ADA focuses on programs in business, diplomacy, and technology. The university promotes a well-rounded experience, combining academics with opportunities for social interaction and personal growth. By supporting future leaders, ADA University strives to make a positive global impact.

ADA University Scholarship

Host Country: Azerbaijan
Host University: ADA University
Benefits Offered By: ADA University-fully funded
No of Scholarships / Awards: Information Not available.
Degree Level: Bachelors / Undergraduate and Master’s Degree student
Application portal:Apply here

ADA University Scholarship: Benefits And Requirements

  • A Generous Welcome Awaits: The Alimardan Bay Topchubashov International Fellowship offers a comprehensive support package to help you excel in your studies at ADA University. Here’s what you can expect:
  • Maintaining Your Fellowship:
  • To continue receiving these benefits after the first semester, you’ll need to meet the following criteria:
  • Academic Performance: Undergraduates: Maintain a minimum GPA of 2.5 each semester. Graduates: Maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 each semester. Foundation program students: Complete the foundation level.
  • Course Load: Enroll in a full course load as defined by earned credit hours.
  • Adherence to Code of Conduct: Avoid any violations of ADA University’s Honor Code.
  • Graduation Timeline: Complete your degree within the standard program duration (5 years for EAPP undergraduates, 4 years for undergraduates, and 2 years for graduates).
  • Readmission: Students who are readmitted to ADA University are not eligible for the fellowship.
  • Renewing Your Support:
  • If you don’t initially meet the renewal requirements, don’t worry! You’ll be placed on fellowship probation for a semester while still receiving benefits. However, failing to meet requirements for two consecutive semesters will result in the loss of fellowship benefits. The fellowship can be reinstated once you meet the requirements again. This fellowship provides a strong foundation for your academic journey at ADA University. Seize this opportunity to focus on your studies and achieve your goals!

ADA University Scholarship Awards

ADA University annually presents the HZT Awards, named after Azerbaijan’s renowned Haji Zeynalabdin Taghiyev, to outstanding student groups. The award recognizes achievements in two categories: Challenges of Society and Challenges of Industry. The former category promotes social responsibility and civic engagement, while the latter fosters entrepreneurship and turning ideas into ventures.

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