Universities That Offer Admission Without JAMB 2025/2026

Nigerian Universities That Offer Admission Without JAMB 2025/2026: JAMB (Joint Admissions and Matriculations Board) is the official body that conducts theĀ Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME)Ā for prospective students who wish to gain admission into Nigerian universities.

However, many candidates face various challenges and difficulties in passing the UTME or meeting the cut-off marks for their desired courses and institutions. Some of the common problems include:

  • Low UTME score or inability to meet the cut-off mark for the chosen course or institution.
  • Inadequate preparation or lack of access to quality study materials and resources.
  • Examination malpractice or irregularities that may lead to cancellation or withholding of results.
  • Technical glitches or network issues that may affect the registration or examination process.
  • Stress, anxiety, or fear of failure that may affect the performance or confidence of the candidates.

If you are one of the candidates who have encountered any of these problems or you simply want to explore other options of gaining admission into Nigerian universities without JAMB, then this blog post is for you. In this post,Ā we will discuss some of the alternative ways of securing admission without JAMB and also provide you with a list of some of the universities that offer admission withoutĀ JAMB in 2025/2026.

We will also cover the advantages and disadvantages of gaining admission without JAMB, the tips and strategies for succeeding in the alternative admission programmes, and the frequently asked questions and answers about admission without JAMB.

Alternative Ways of Gaining Admission Without JAMB 2025/2026

There are several alternative ways of gaining admission into Nigerian universities without JAMB. Some of these include:

  • Direct Entry (DE): This is a mode of admission that allows candidates who have relevant qualifications such as National Diploma (ND), Higher National Diploma (HND), Nigeria Certificate in Education (NCE), or Bachelorā€™s degree to apply for admission into 200 level of their chosen course in any university that accepts DE. Candidates who wish to apply for DE must obtain the DE form from JAMB and also register for the DE screening exercise conducted by the respective universities. However, DE candidates do not need to sit for the UTME or meet the cut-off mark for their chosen course or institution.
  • Inter-University Transfer: This is a mode of admission that allows candidates who are already enrolled in a university to transfer to another university that offers the same or similar course. Candidates who wish to apply for inter-university transfer must meet the requirements and conditions of both the sending and receiving universities, such as having a good academic record, obtaining the consent of the parent or guardian, paying the transfer fees, and completing the transfer form. However, inter-university transfer candidates do not need to sit for the UTME or meet the cut-off mark for their chosen course or institution.
  • Pre-Degree or Remedial Programmes: These are programmes that are designed to prepare candidates who do not have the required Oā€™level credits or UTME score for admission into 100 level of their chosen course in any university that offers the programmes. Candidates who wish to apply for pre-degree or remedial programmes must register and pay the fees for the programmes, attend the lectures and tutorials, and write the final examinations. Candidates who pass the final examinations and also meet the cut-off mark for their chosen course or institution will be offered admission into 100 level. However, pre-degree or remedial candidates do not need to sit for the UTME or meet the cut-off mark for their chosen course or institution.
  • Joint Universities Preliminary Examinations Board (JUPEB) or Interim Joint Matriculation Board (IJMB): These are advanced level programmes that are equivalent to the Aā€™level or Cambridge Aā€™level. They are offered by some universities in collaboration with JUPEB or IJMB. Candidates who wish to apply for JUPEB or IJMB programmes must have at least five Oā€™level credits in relevant subjects, register and pay the fees for the programmes, attend the lectures and tutorials, and write the final examinations. Candidates who pass the final examinations and also meet the cut-off mark for their chosen course or institution will be offered admission into 200 level. However, JUPEB or IJMB candidates do not need to sit for the UTME or meet the cut-off mark for their chosen course or institution.
  • Private Universities: These are universities that are owned and funded by private individuals or organizations. They are usually more expensive and less competitive than public universities. Some private universities offer admission without JAMB to candidates who have at least five Oā€™level credits in relevant subjects, register and pay the fees for the admission screening exercise, and pass the screening test or interview. However, private university candidates do not need to sit for the UTME or meet the cut-off mark for their chosen course or institution.
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List of Universities That Offer Admission Without JAMB 2025/2026

The following is a list of some of the universities that offer admission without JAMB in 2025/2026. The list is not exhaustive and may be subject to change. Candidates are advised to confirm the admission requirements and procedures of their preferred universities before applying.

  • National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN)
  • Babcock University, Ilishan-Remo
  • Madonna University, Okija
  • Igbinedion University, Okada
  • Bowen University, Iwo
  • Pan-Atlantic University, Lagos
  • Benson Idahosa University, Benin City
  • Redeemerā€™s University, Ede

National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN)

National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN)

NOUN is a federal open and distance learning institution that offers various programmes at undergraduate, postgraduate, and certificate levels. NOUN does not require JAMB results or cut-off marks for admission. Candidates who wish to apply for NOUN must have at least five Oā€™level credits in relevant subjects, register and pay the fees for the application form, and choose their preferred study centre and programme. NOUN has study centres across the country and operates a flexible and convenient mode of learning.

Babcock University, Ilishan-Remo

Babcock University, Ilishan-Remo

Babcock is a private Christian university that offers various programmes at undergraduate, postgraduate, and diploma levels. Babcock does not require JAMB results or cut-off marks for admission. Candidates who wish to apply for Babcock must have at least five Oā€™level credits in relevant subjects, register and pay the fees for the admission screening exercise, and pass the screening test or interview. Babcock has a serene and conducive campus and operates a high academic standard and moral discipline.

Madonna University, Okija

Madonna University, Okija

Madonna is a private Catholic university that offers various programmes at undergraduate, postgraduate, and diploma levels. Madonna does not require JAMB results or cut-off marks for admission. Candidates who wish to apply for Madonna must have at least five Oā€™level credits in relevant subjects, register and pay the fees for the admission screening exercise, and pass the screening test or interview. Madonna has three campuses in Okija, Elele, and Akpugo and operates a strict academic and religious policy.

Igbinedion University, Okada

Igbinedion University, Okada

Igbinedion is a private university that offers various programmes at undergraduate, postgraduate, and diploma levels. Igbinedion does not require JAMB results or cut-off marks for admission. Candidates who wish to apply for Igbinedion must have at least five Oā€™level credits in relevant subjects, register and pay the fees for the admission screening exercise, and pass the screening test or interview. Igbinedion has a modern and well-equipped campus and operates a competitive and innovative academic system.

Bowen University, Iwo

Bowen University, Iwo

Bowen is a private Baptist university that offers various programmes at undergraduate, postgraduate, and diploma levels. Bowen does not require JAMB results or cut-off marks for admission. Candidates who wish to apply for Bowen must have at least five Oā€™level credits in relevant subjects, register and pay the fees for the admission screening exercise, and pass the screening test or interview. Bowen has a beautiful and peaceful campus and operates a quality and holistic academic programme.

Pan-Atlantic University, Lagos

Pan-Atlantic University, Lagos

Pan-Atlantic is a private university that offers various programmes at undergraduate, postgraduate, and diploma levels. Pan-Atlantic does not require JAMB results or cut-off marks for admission. Candidates who wish to apply for Pan-Atlantic must have at least five Oā€™level credits in relevant subjects, register and pay the fees for the admission screening exercise, and pass the screening test or interview. Pan-Atlantic has two campuses in Lekki and Ibeju-Lekki and operates a dynamic and entrepreneurial academic culture.

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Benson Idahosa University, Benin City

Benson Idahosa University, Benin City

Benson Idahosa is a private Christian university that offers various programmes at undergraduate, postgraduate, and diploma levels. Benson Idahosa does not require JAMB results or cut-off marks for admission. Candidates who wish to apply for Benson Idahosa must have at least five Oā€™level credits in relevant subjects, register and pay the fees for the admission screening exercise, and pass the screening test or interview. Benson Idahosa has a spacious and green campus and operates a vibrant and impactful academic vision.

Redeemerā€™s University, Ede

Redeemerā€™s University, Ede

Redeemerā€™s is a private Christian university that offers various programmes at undergraduate, postgraduate, and diploma levels. Redeemerā€™s does not require JAMB results or cut-off marks for admission. Candidates who wish to apply for Redeemerā€™s must have at least five Oā€™level credits in relevant subjects, register and pay the fees for the admission screening exercise, and pass the screening test or interview. Redeemerā€™s has a state-of-the-art and eco-friendly campus and operates a world-class and faith-based academic mission.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Gaining Admission Without JAMB 2025/2026

Gaining admission into Nigerian universities without JAMB has its advantages and disadvantages. Some of the advantages include:

  • Saving time and money: Candidates who gain admission without JAMB do not need to spend time and money on preparing for and writing the UTME or meeting the cut-off mark for their chosen course or institution. They can also save time and money on applying for change of course or institution if they are not satisfied with their initial choices
  • Having more options and opportunities: Candidates who gain admission without JAMB have more options and opportunities to choose from, as they can apply for different programmes and universities that suit their preferences and qualifications. They can also have a higher chance of getting admitted, as some of the alternative admission programmes are less competitive and have more slots than the UTME.
  • Pursuing their academic dreams and goals: Candidates who gain admission without JAMB can pursue their academic dreams and goals without being limited or discouraged by their UTME score or cut-off mark. They can also have more flexibility and convenience in their mode of learning, as some of the alternative admission programmes offer online or distance learning options.

Some of the disadvantages of gaining admission without JAMB include:

  • Paying higher fees and meeting higher standards: Candidates who gain admission without JAMB may have to pay higher fees and meet higher standards than those who apply through JAMB, as some of the alternative admission programmes and private universities are more expensive and demanding than the public universities and the UTME. They may also have to cope with more academic workload and pressure, as some of the alternative admission programmes are more intensive and rigorous than the UTME.
  • Facing stigma and discrimination: Candidates who gain admission without JAMB may face stigma and discrimination from some of their peers, lecturers, or employers, who may view them as inferior or less qualified than those who apply through JAMB. They may also have to deal with negative stereotypes or misconceptions about their mode of admission or their academic performance.
  • Having limited recognition or accreditation: Candidates who gain admission without JAMB may have limited recognition or accreditation for their programmes or degrees, as some of the alternative admission programmes or private universities are not fully recognized or accredited by the relevant authorities or bodies. They may also have difficulties in transferring to other universities or applying for further studies or jobs, as some of the alternative admission programmes or private universities are not widely accepted or respected by other institutions or organizations.

Tips and Strategies for Succeeding in the Alternative Admission Programmes 2025/2026

Candidates who wish to apply for or enroll in any of the alternative admission programmes should follow these tips and strategies to succeed in their academic pursuits:

  • Do your research and find out the admission requirements and procedures of your preferred programme and university. You can use Bing to search for relevant information or visit the official websites of the programme or university. You can also contact the admission office or the programme coordinator for more details or clarification.
  • Prepare well and study hard for the admission screening exercise or the final examinations of your chosen programme. You can use Bing to access quality study materials and resources or join online study groups or forums. You can also seek guidance or assistance from your teachers, mentors, or tutors.
  • Be confident and positive about your mode of admission and your academic potential. Do not let your UTME score or cut-off mark define or limit you. Do not let the stigma or discrimination of others affect or discourage you. Believe in yourself and your abilities and strive for excellence and improvement.
  • Be committed and disciplined in your mode of learning and your academic activities. Follow the rules and regulations of your programme and university. Attend the lectures and tutorials regularly and punctually. Do your assignments and projects diligently and timely. Participate actively and constructively in the class discussions and group work. Seek feedback and support from your lecturers and classmates.
  • Be flexible and adaptable to the challenges and opportunities of your programme and university. Be open to new ideas and perspectives and learn from your mistakes and failures. Be ready to face and overcome any difficulties or obstacles that may arise in your academic journey. Be willing to explore and exploit any possibilities or potentials that may emerge in your academic career.
TRENDING:  JAMB Change of Admission Letter 2025/2026


Here are some of the frequently asked questions and answers about admission without JAMB:

Can I apply for more than one alternative admission programme or university?

Yes, you can apply for more than one alternative admission programme or university, as long as you meet the requirements and conditions of each of them. However, you should be careful not to apply for conflicting or incompatible programmes or universities, as this may affect your admission chances or cause confusion or complications in your academic records or transcripts.

Can I change my course or institution after gaining admission without JAMB?

Yes, you can change your course or institution after gaining admission without JAMB, depending on the policies and procedures of your programme and university. However, you should be aware of the implications and consequences of changing your course or institution, such as losing your admission slot, paying extra fees, starting afresh, or having credit or grade issues.

Can I combine my Oā€™level results from different examination bodies or years for admission without JAMB?

Yes, you can combine your Oā€™level results from different examination bodies or years for admission without JAMB, as long as they are relevant and acceptable for your chosen programme and university. However, you should ensure that you have the original and verified copies of your Oā€™level results and that you submit them correctly and promptly to your programme and university.

Can I defer or suspend my admission without JAMB for any reason?

Yes, you can defer or suspend your admission without JAMB for any reason, such as personal, financial, health, or security reasons, depending on the policies and procedures of your programme and university. However, you should notify and obtain the approval of your programme and university before deferring or suspending your admission and also comply with the terms and conditions of your deferment or suspension.

Can I graduate or obtain my degree without JAMB?

Yes, you can graduate or obtain your degree without JAMB, as long as you complete and pass all the required courses and units of your programme and university. However, you should ensure that you meet the minimum CGPA and attendance requirements of your programme and university and also fulfill all the graduation and clearance formalities of your programme and university.


In conclusion, gaining admission into Nigerian universities without JAMB is possible and achievable. There are various alternative ways and options of securing admission without JAMB, such as direct entry, inter-university transfer, pre-degree or remedial programmes, JUPEB or IJMB programmes, and private universities.

Candidates who are interested in any of these options should do their research and find out the admission requirements and procedures of their preferred universities before applying. Candidates should also be prepared to pay higher fees and meet higher standards than those who apply through JAMB. However, the benefits of gaining admission without JAMB outweigh the costs, as candidates will be able to pursue their academic dreams and goals without being limited or discouraged by their UTME score or cut-off mark.

Candidates should also follow the tips and strategies for succeeding in the alternative admission programmes and also be aware of the frequently asked questions and answers about admission without JAMB. We hope this blog post has been helpful and informative for you. If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to share them with us. Thank you for reading and good luck with your admission.

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