Financial Planning for Studying Abroad: Budgeting Tips & Resources

Financial planning for studying abroad is important. It is absolutely interesting to hear that one has the opportunity to study abroad. Studying abroad is an exciting opportunity for students to immerse themselves in new cultures, gain valuable academic experiences, and broaden their horizons. This comes with the huge responsibility of catering for yourself in a foreign land, including feeding and other needed expenses you may be required to keep yourself fit.

In your home country, it may be easy to sort out most things on your own but in foreign countries, you may need to be paying for every service rendered to you. This on its own makes your stay to be dependent on finance and that is why you need to ensure that you are frugal in your spending.

However, it also comes with financial considerations that need to be carefully managed. Effective financial planning is essential for a smooth and successful study abroad experience. Learn cost-efficient saving tactics that actually work and will save you HUNDREDS of dollars in this article!

4 Financial Planning for Studying Abroad

Create a budget for everything

One of the first and most important steps in financial planning is creating a budget. Start by estimating the living costs, including monthly fixed costs and other miscellaneous costs. Once you have a clear vision of your expenses every month, allocate funds accordingly and set realistic spending limits for each category. To spend more economically, research scholarship opportunities, including merit-based awards at institutions or any other private or public bursaries available.

SEE ALSO:  5 Ways to Pay for Your Study Abroad

One of the major challenges that international students experience is the lack of a clear vision and budget for their needs. Some, because they were not prepared before the opportunity came, always go with the wind and make the mistake of spending beyond their limit, making them uncomfortable during their stay in the foreign country.

Therefore, it is important that before you go for studies abroad, make your budget including a clear list of what you want to spend money on according to your income.

Invest in searching for scholarship opportunities

Many institutions offer merit-based scholarships for international students. Additionally, looking into any public or private bursary funds available would offer great financial aid. Since it is difficult to fund studies abroad without a scholarship, it is very necessary for you to create a list of scholarships available according to the amount of money they stand to offer.

When you have this list of fully funded scholarships and other forms of merit-based scholarships, you can clearly know which one to go for each time. It is as simple as listing and selecting from those that can offer you reasonable comfort.

SEE ALSO:  5 Ways to Pay for Your Study Abroad

Keep track of your spending and earnings

It is not just enough to have a budget for the amount to spend each week or month, there is a need to track your expenses to know those that you may need to ignore next time and those you cannot do with. As much as it sounds like a cliché, it’s actually a way to manage your money flow and budget better for other spending.

Knowing how much you spend on each category every month and keeping track of it is a way to learn to budget effectively

Adopt frugal spending habits

By spending wisely, choosing affordable options, having a roommate to alleviate housing fees, cooking meals at home taking advantage of student discounts, and managing currency exchange rates, you’d save up significantly!


The above are four ways that we have found effective for all international students hoping to study abroad and be comfortable. You can also adopt them even when you are still in your home country. They are very helpful.

SEE ALSO:  5 Ways to Pay for Your Study Abroad
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