Nipple Retraction: Could It Signal Breast Cancer?
In the course of my medical practice, I have seen a couple of my patients who came for hospital visits with complaints related to breast cancer diagnosis. One of the things I have seen and heard them list among their complaints is usually that they noticed that their nipple was growing inward into their breast.
My question to them is usually what they did when they noticed such a problem, and their response is usually that they ignored it and felt it would resolve by itself. Therefore, nipple retraction can signal breast cancer depending on the attention given to it.
Unfortunately, complaints related to nipple retraction, usually seen as ordinary, do turn into a major problem. A problem that portends danger to their lives. This is why an inverted nipple should not be ignored by any woman at any time.
As a young woman developing to your full potential, you will notice that your nipple will start coming out as your breast continues to advance in its stage of growth. Your nipple will protrude out till even in your old age. However, due to some reasons, which we will know in this post, some ladies have their nipples pulling inward into their breasts instead of outward.
Sometimes, this is for some time, and it will return to its normalcy, especially when what is causing it has been relieved or resolved. On the other hand, it can be permanent, as in the case of breast cancer. Since this problem can mean two different things, one being curable health issues while the other means incurable or terminal illness, it is necessary to identify the side that one you have is coming from.
Our goal for this post is to see a way to know the nipple retraction that is coming due to a terminal illness and see a way to sort it out before the disease goes over the whole body.
Causes of Nipple Retraction:
- Benign Causes (Non-Cancerous):
- Some people naturally have inverted or retracted nipples, and these people always have retracted nipples instead of the nipple changing from its normal everted nature to an inverted nature.
- Age has a great influence on our bodies. It can cause even what was initially straight to bend. The same applies to nipple retraction, which causes the nipple to
- Other conditions, like mastitis or abscesses, which may be due to inflammation or infection, may cause the nipple to retract.
- Injury that causes trauma to the nipple can also affect the architecture of the nipple, making it appear retracted.
- Serious Causes (potentially Cancerous):
- One of the major signs of breast cancer is usually nipple retraction, and until proven otherwise, it should always be a key suspect when noticed. It is the cancer that will change the shape and look of this nipple to make it retract inward so fast.
- Some aggressive forms of cancer, like inflammatory breast cancer, may lead to nipple retraction along with skin changes (e.g., redness or dimpling).
When should I be concerned about nipple retraction?
When you notice nipple retraction, please take it seriously. However, you will need to act faster by seeing a doctor when you see any of the following that may be a sign of cancer:
- The retraction is sudden and not present before.
- Accompanied by lumps, pain, discharge, or skin changes like dimpling or redness.
- Only one breast is affected.
- The nipple cannot be pulled out manually.
Early evaluation and diagnosis are essential to determine whether the retraction is harmless or a sign of an underlying issue. Do not wait till it is too late before you act.
Frequently asked questions on Nipple retraction
What causes nipple retraction?
Nipple retraction can be caused by aging, fibrosis, infections, trauma, inflammation, benign conditions (e.g., duct ectasia), or malignancies like breast cancer. Regardless of what is causing it, I advise you to consult your doctor whenever you notice it, as there is no extra cost in taking precautions.
Is nipple retraction always a sign of breast cancer?
No, nipple retraction is not always a sign of breast cancer. It can occur due to benign causes, but persistent or new-onset retraction warrants medical evaluation. While it does not explicitly spell cancer, it may signal it, and you need to take action as fast as possible to know which one it is.
Can nipple retraction be reversed?
Yes, if caused by benign conditions like duct ectasia or infection, treatment may reverse retraction. Cancer-related retraction may not be reversible, and progression may continue to make things worse. While your goal is to reverse it, your ultimate plan should be to identify the root cause and treat it as fast as possible. This is the ultimate cure for it.
Does nipple retraction affect breastfeeding?
It may make breastfeeding more challenging, especially if both nipples are affected, but techniques and tools (e.g., nipple shields) can help. It is better to identify the cause of the retraction first before proceeding with breastfeeding your baby through the same breast.
Should I be worried if only one nipple is retracting?
Yes, unilateral nipple retraction, especially if sudden, persistent, or associated with other changes, should be evaluated by a doctor as a possible sign of something serious.
What are the signs that nipple retraction is a serious problem?
Serious signs include new-onset retraction, associated skin changes (e.g., dimpling, redness), a palpable lump, discharge, or persistent pain. Your doctor may also prescribe some radiological investigation that can help both of you to either know or confirm a diagnosis. Note that if there is a breast lump co-existing with the nipple retraction, you may be booked for an excision biopsy.
How is nipple retraction diagnosed?
Diagnosis involves a physical exam, imaging (mammogram, ultrasound, or MRI), and possibly a biopsy to identify underlying causes.
Can hormonal changes cause nipple retraction?
Yes, hormonal changes during puberty, pregnancy, or menopause can sometimes cause temporary nipple retraction.
What should I do if I notice nipple retraction?
Consult a healthcare professional for evaluation, especially if it is new, persistent, or accompanied by other concerning symptoms.
Are there lifestyle factors that could contribute to Nipple retraction?
Lifestyle factors like smoking (linked to duct ectasia) or previous trauma may contribute, but many cases are unrelated to lifestyle.
Conclusion on nipple retraction
Nipple retraction signals many things; it could be merely an infection or, on a serious note, a malignancy. It is better to act fast to know the one it represents and intervene to stop it. Never allow it to be fate.